2020 Thank You's

Damn...what a doozy of a year.
As I write this, I sit in the exact spot I did NYE of 2019. Looking forward with joy and hope, I had high expectations for the "Roaring 20's"...
...Good one, Universe. 
But through all the hair pulling, tears, and staring into the void, also came opportunities to slow down, regroup, and refocus. In my personal life, this year came dancing into the room in true diva fashion. 2020 tore down all my expectations and pushed me into uncomfortable situations that helped me grow and learn more than I have in past years. So, not so bad....#thanks2020

As far as Wren & Raven went this year, I honestly had no idea what to expect. In the "before times", wholesale contracts with tourism operations around the state were what would make or break the bank. As you can probably guess, a global pandemic doesn't exactly bode well for care free travels to the 49th state. 

So, I regrouped and focused on building up my online presence. Turns out, figuring out social media algorithms and these things called "hashtags," is more complicated than it seems at first glance. But more on that later...

So on the last day of the longest year of our lives, I want to say a massive thank you! This holiday season, you all showed your love and support for this small Alaskan business in a BIG WAY.  From it's humble beginnings as Fairweather Remedies, to a thriving business in the year of a pandemic. Just, wow....

There are some exciting things happening behind the scenes that I am excited to share with you in the near future. But for now, I'll just leave you with this: without you, there's no Wren & Raven Botanicals. So, thank you for the encouragement, support, reviews, and orders. 




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